2 novembre 2023 0


What pushes you to make art ? And why is it important ?

“ Mon attrait pour le beau, l’esthétique, la création collective, l’expérimentation, résoudre des problèmes »

« Une liberté de vie, un moyen de laisser sa trace, de se regarder soi, se confronter au monde »

Xavier Murillon, Photographe

« I’m driven by the need to communicate and express myself visually as I’m naturally very shy, I have tremendous difficulty expressing myself visually (not particularly a good trait to have as a photographer).

It’s very important that we continue to make art to protect ourselves and escape the horrors and cruelties we humans have a habit of inflicting on each other on a daily basis. Art allows us to heal our souls and mental state!

Photography means everything to me, (only 2nd to my family) I dread to imagine what life without photography would be like, it’s almost having the oxygen being sucked out of the planet! »

Rui Faria, Photographer 

“Because it’s impossible not to do it »

Mafalda Branco, Visual artist

I believe art is inherently empathetic for it requires the ‘other’ to exist. The artist tries to understand himself through the other and the other through himself. Art has the power to shake human beliefs to their core, to be loud and disturbing when it needs to and a safe place when the heart wants to be comforted. Art is not shy and it’s not fearful. In light of the recent tragedies , let’s not forget what we stand for and why we do what we do, even when it feels like it has no direct impact, every single action resonates in this world.

We have to keep making art even in the face of adversity. It’s essential to continue “ giving life”  when lives are being destroyed. It’s crucial to voice the concerns of those who have no voice. More importantly, creating art means taking action, being in motion. I believe it is our responsibility to be visible, to take a stand. Illusory freedom is not enough; we must claim it, especially when it appears to be slipping away. When you do something here it will reverberate over there. The act of art is a privilege and a right that we need to defend and claim not only for ourselves but for everyone else.

Crédits : 

Photographer : @xavier.murillon
Photographer : @ruifaria_
Visual Artist : @brancomafalda

Beauty Shoot :
Photographer :  @royalgilbert
Models: @kenysalgadol and
Stylist : @byjeanluc
Hair and makeup : @spraythanh8 @akarimyu
Agent:  @gucayamodelmanagement

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